Channel: Final Fantasy Peasant
Category: Gaming
Tags: final fantasy 16 story theorybahamutfinal fantasy peasantfull fantasy peasantfinal fantasyff16ps5musicgarudajoshuafinal fantasy 16 ifritifrittitanfinal fantasy 16 trailerendthemeff16 endingffpeasant ff16final fantasy 16 trailer reactionnewsfinal fantasy 16 dominantsfinal fantasy xvidominantfinal fantasy 16 shivaffxvifinal fantasy 16final fantasy 16 theorysquare enixfinal fantasy 16 storyfinal fantasy 16 summonscinematicffpeasant
Description: PART 2 story theory drop into Final Fantasy 16 and the wildest possibilities from the trailer. Who and what are the Dominants of Shiva, Titan, Phoenix and even Ifrit? What relationships could be fuelling the summons to go to town on each other. What the new Final Fantasy 16 protagonist could undergo by journeys end, is it a reverse Cecil Harvey? Be sure to check out the comments because the furthest punching story theory for Final Fantasy 16 and the summons is lurking there. Wow imagine it. Child Shiva knows child Phoenix, Ifrit takes down Phoenix. Shiva aids FF16 protag to gain summon Dominants blessing from other summons like Titan, Garuda or Bahamut :O To join in on Patreon benefits and keep the FFP cameras turned on: CHECK OUT THE NEW FFP TEESPRING STORE! It has dankerinio designs!: Peasantbook! Land of 15k plus Pezzers: Donate/tip to feed a Peasant: The twitterings: To see livestreams & Playthrough videos: